As an entrepreneur that’s sold a few companies, I’ve had the experience of what it’s like pre and post transaction three times now. It’s something that entrepreneurs talk about and certainly worry even more about. It’s your baby. You’ve put your blood, sweet and tears into something. You have a team of fellow rebels that have taken a leap of faith, usually starting with lots of passion and a lot to learn and experience.
The conventional rumor is that gaining a new strategic partner can be a bit like Jekyll and Hyde – During the courting phase it’s all wonderful but when the deal’s done things change radically.
A month into our partnership with Havas, I’m more inspired than I ever thought I could be. Everyone I’ve met and worked with have been truly amazing. Not just positive but realistic, transparent, passionate, and accepting. From the beginning of V&S our vision has been to change the way advertising works for the benefit of clients and agency folks alike using collaborative technology. Working with the leadership of David Jones and the Havas team, I’m more confident that our vision will be radically accelerated on a global scale.
Finding a partner like Havas is what every entrepreneur dreams of.