I mentioned Esho Funi in a blog post a couple of days ago. I'm sure you thought that I'd lost my mind. So I thought I'd better post this. Again it's from Flipped. Enjoy.
In order to understand how to start a dialogue and where things should go next, it is good to understand what an ideal relationship is. Here’s one way to think about it:
Esho Funi is a central tenet in Japanese Buddhism. It means that a person is at one with his or her environment; where one actually becomes indistinguishable from his/her environment. Nichiren Daishonin, the 13th century Japanese sage, expressed it in one of his writings: “Environment is like the shadow – and life, the body. Without the body there can be no shadow. Similarly, without life, environment cannot exist, even though life is supported by its environment.”
The principle of Esho Funi suggests that we are not simply conditioned by our environment, including our customers and the marketplace. We are actually compelled to live our best within it; because there is no essential difference between our lives and our environment, our lives actually affect our environment and vice-versa. Think of it this way: How do you feel when you walk into a favorite store? Do you feel like you’ve entered an environment synonymous with the store’s focus? Can you and your company be at one with your customers and the marketplace? Can you be the center of your community?
We typically regard the environment and the individual as two separate phenomena; we even see ourselves as having an 'inside' and 'outside,' with our skin as a kind of dividing line. But if we really think about it, we know that human existence is impossible to sustain without a supportive environment. An individual without food, water and air from the environment will die. Similarly, human beings can either support and protect the environment or damage and pollute it. So although we tend to see self and environment separately, in reality they are clearly, intimately connected.
We often blame people and situations 'outside' our control for the circumstances we find ourselves in. But the principle of Esho Funi shows that because the individual and his environment are inseparable, both the causes and the solutions to our problems are not 'outside' but rather, lie within us. Esho Funi teaches us that we don't have to wait for anyone or anything else to make change. It starts with us. Any change in the environment is a manifestation of a simultaneous change taking place within individuals.
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