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April 17, 2007


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STORY: Former Voice Contestant Chris Mann Releasing Christmas Album

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There is an proverb in golf that it usually comes down to ambigu, and the condition final had not been exception by using two highly competitive ambigu matches. With first personals, Hinghams duo connected with junior skipper Maxine Bernstein and sophomore Delaney Dunlap, managed their fantastic record inside team play this year when they edged CCs pair of Martha Daeli and also Sarah Yang. Bergstein/Dunlap decreased the first established 75, roared returning to take the minute set Sixty three and convincingly won the deciding 15 point tiebreak 103.

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Comcast says neighborhood TV people using DVR more: Combined Cities television viewers are most interested in sports, comedies and dramas, and they're increasingly using video recorders as well as other timeshifting technologies to view their favorite software programs, according to Comcast's next annual "TV Heart Survey.Inch It saw that 56 % of neighborhood viewers intend to watch sporting events this drop, compared with 50 percent with viewers countrywide. Other well-liked shows incorporate comedies (73 %), dramas (72 %), movies (Fifty seven percent), new/educational (Fifty six percent) and reality displays (33 %). Read complete story.

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