David Carr’s Media Column in the NY Times about this year’s bland White House Correspondent Association’s annual dinner with Johnny Carson-era comedian, Rich Little, as the headliner made me think about instances when culture is held back. In contrast Stephen Colbert seemed to take covers off the insular Washington scene last year with his speech, pushing the culture forward and getting people to notice that Washington was out of sync with Main Street, America. One quote that struck me was:
“Last year was a complete accident,” said Franklin Foer, the editor of the New Republic. “The organizers had no idea what they were getting. They knew that Colbert was hot, that ‘the kid’s liked him,’ but they were completely blindsided by the performance.”
How could they have not known?
Yet, this happens over and over. Cultures that are sick get defensive and tend to convince themselves of their own zietgest. The rest of the world simply sees them for what they are.
Only when someone is willing to standup and call things out for what they really are can the overall culture move forward.
We need more Stephen Colberts.