Here's the Part 2 of my Spark interview with Jake McKee:
A Dating Relationship
What we really have here – when I talk about the relationship that I have with the fan groups and they have with me – is a dating relationship. If you show up on a date and you’re absolutely perfect, the person doesn’t think, ‘Wow, this is so great – he’s perfect!’ They think, ‘What’s wrong with this guy?’ Their defenses immediately go up and they assume you’re hiding something. When companies do that same thing you immediately think they’re just spinning it, that it’s just marketing crap and you don’t need to pay attention to it. But when you actually start to have an interaction with them, that back and forth, then you have a relationship.
Sometimes it’s bad, sometimes it’s good, but at the end of the day, as long as it’s more positive than negative, that’s what it’s all about. That’s what people really believe; that you’re not just messing with them, trying to get them to buy something. Part of what is, it’s not really an overt sales thing. Of course all of our content, at the end of the day, goes to supporting sales because that’s what we’re here to do. But it’s not about bashing people over the head; it’s about getting them to experience in some way the idea of building with LEGO, or it’s about playing a game where you’re using bricks to do a certain thing. But it’s definitely more than just a glossy brochure in the form of a game.
I talk about this “dating relationship,” even though it may seem kind of weird at first, because it works so damn well. If you’re trying to form a relationship of some sort, whether it’s a product purchase or a consumer to company, long-term interaction, you’re hoping to form a bond of some sort between two parties. Again, everybody has to go home happy. If the fans I’m working with are constantly coming away with the feeling that they’re being used, then I’m not going to be able to tap into them very much longer. By the same token, if they’re not delivering much to me, then I’m not really going to be that interested in working with them. There’s that give and take, just like in any relationship.
If you said to me that your company had really decided to form a bond with your customers, to break down that wall between the outside and inside, and you asked, “What do we do?” – I’d say most companies don’t understand that the way they approach things with their customers is incredibly poor. For instance, you have call centers getting outsourced to India, which is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. For most companies, that’s the only point of consumer contact they have, and they’re outsourcing it. It’s like if you brought in an intermediary to hang out with your wife, so that you could go bowling. And when you did that, you said, “Oh, by the way, while I’m gone bowling, can you really work on our relationship for us?” It just doesn’t make any sense. You wouldn’t do that in your personal life. Why would you do it in your business life?
Bring Passion to What You Do
It’s also really important to find employees who love what they’re doing, whatever that particular thing is – in my case, I didn’t necessarily need to come from the LEGO community and be an adult fan first, but it certainly helped. You need to get somebody who really understands it. You can’t just take one of your standard marketing people and throw them in the mix, and say, “All right, have fun.” That seems fairly obvious, but you always hear people talking about just transferring another brand manager over to fill a position. I probably wouldn’t go that way. I’d get somebody from outside the company, or I’d get somebody in the company who’s not part of Marketing or PR, someone who just loves what they’re doing and can’t wait to get a shot at the big time, so to speak.
Interaction vs. Marketing
So once you have the right person, how do you actually make it work? So many people get in this mindset – like from an ad agency standpoint – of trying to start up a campaign, do something on a short-term basis, and it really bothers me, because it really doesn’t work in this sort of thing. You need personal relationships – both on your teams and with your customers – to inform what you’re doing.
The difference between community interaction or marketing (or whatever you want to call it) and traditional, “sit up in your office and throw out a campaign” type marketing, is that relationship. There’s also this belief that way too many marketers have, that consumers are incredibly stupid. Marketers have absolutely zero respect for the consumers. There’s an assumption that unless they just bash people over the head with something, there’s no way they’re smart enough to figure it out on their own. It’s not that consumers aren’t smart enough, it’s that they’re not interested.
It’s like people talking about “building” word of mouth. You can’t build it; you can only set up the right environment for it. What should be happening right now, and what is happening with the companies who will do well in the next five or ten years, is that they’re reducing the barriers between the people inside the company and the consumers outside the company. A lot depends on what your definition of ‘community’ is. Really it comes down to a social connection – it’s so much more than just throwing open a message board or a blog and saying, “Okay, it’s there. Now what?”,,,,,He said most people also kept from Warrnambool because of the perception town had shut down. ルイヴィトン 財布 ダミエ
Posted by: ルイヴィトン 財布 ダミエ | October 08, 2013 at 03:31 PM,,,,,CoolIT Solutions Extends AwardWinning Liquid Cooling Technologies to the Workstation/Server Market place
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Posted by: ルイヴィトン キーケース メンズ | October 09, 2013 at 11:32 AM